
PA: Statistical methods for archaeological data analysis: Basic methods

Dienstag, 18.03.2025

Statistics has become an indispensable tool in prehistoric archaeology. This course is intended on the one hand to give the participants the skills to understand and reproduce statistical analyses in literature and on the other hand to enable them to use such analyses for their scientific work themselves. Basic statistical concepts will be explained and simple uni- and bivariate methods of descriptive, explorative and inductive statistics will be presented. An important part is the practical application of these methods. This is to be carried out with the help of the statistics software R, a open source and free-of-charge, yet extremely powerful computing environment. The exercise is suitable for students of all semesters; no statistical knowledge or expertise in special computer programs is required.

Dozierende(r): Dr. Martin Hinz
18.03.2025:12:15 - 14:00
Ort:Seminarraum 016
Uni Mittelstrasse
Mittelstrasse 43
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